My due date wasn’t until August 22nd but we wanted to be safe, just in case she came early. I had a doctor appointment before Dallas came home and was 1cm dilated and 50 percent effaced. It was a good sign that something was happening. Once he was home, we tried all of the typical natural induction methods. We walked, ate dates, ate spicy food, and worked out. Not much was happening.
I had another appointment and was dilated to 2, but there weren't many options offered yet for starting labor. Normally, I would have just wanted Liv to come out on her own, but in this situation it was really important to me that Dallas was actually here. On August 23rd (the day after my due date) we had an appointment and no progress had been made so were sent home.
Dallas called his command and asked to stay longer since the baby wasn’t here yet. He changed his plane ticket to August 29th. We went to the gym and I decided to call my midwives again to see if we could schedule an induction, even though we had tried to avoid it.
One of the midwives told me to come in right then and do a membrane sweep, and afterwards she sent us home to drink a castor oil shake. The shake induced some contractions that night, and we thought it was 'go time' so we went to the hospital. Once we got into triage though, all of the contractions stopped and they sent us back home. That was our 3rd false alarm.
We scheduled an induction for August 24th. We were anxiously awaiting a call but it never came. While we waited, we decided to call a doula that my sister had hired for one of her births. I felt like I needed the extra help to navigate an induction. We got Dianne on the phone and she calmed all of our nerves and answered every question she could.
We still didn’t want an induction, so we continued to try everything we could we get things moving. My sister came over and did acupressure, Dianne had me in different positions to get Liv to move into position, and I drank two more castor oil shakes. I walked curbs, did squats, drank more castor oil, and had my mom and husband perform a pelvic strap booty shake maneuver called 'sifting' until their arms fell off. None of it induced labor. At this point we decided just to give it to God and not do anything more. We tried to just enjoy our time together before Liv decided to come. But honestly, I was discouraged and exhausted.
On August 26th, we finally got a call from the hospital! But it was not what we expected. She said they were so busy and they would call us again when they had an open room. We were so upset, all we wanted was to meet our baby together. Dallas had to leave in 2 days and it looked like he had come home for nothing.
On August 27th, we went to breakfast at Mimi’s cafe with my sister and her family. I was having contractions but didn’t say anything because they were multiple minutes apart. We went shopping and then stopped at Safeway to get peanut butter m&ms.
At 3pm while we were in Safeway, we got a call from the hospital saying that they were ready for us! We immediately jumped in the car, got our bags from home, and arrived at the hospital at 3:30pm. We were checked in and settled into room 15, and I was checked and told I was 3cm dilated.
As the nurse was hooking me up to the blood pressure machine and my IV for antibiotics, she noticed that I was having consistent contractions. She asked me if I had already been given pitocin, but I had not. She decided to let us try to get the contractions going on our own.
My mom showed up (with peanut butter m&ms, thank God), and at 6pm I was checked again but hadn’t dilated any more. My mom messaged Dianne and asked her to head over so she could help us navigation the interventions that we had discussed.
Dianne showed up at 7:30pm and we began power walking around the labor and delivery floor. We went back to the room and she had me labor in multiple positions.
At 8:30pm I was sitting on the toilet leaning back on Dallas. I had a hard contraction, and at that moment my mom and Dianne knew that I had entered active labor. We continued to labor on the toilet, and eventually on a birthing ball and on the bed.
At 9:35pm I was checked again and had progressed to 6cm. By this time I had my husband, mom, Dianne, my midwife, nurses and both of my sisters in the room with me.
At 10:30pm I decided I was ready to labor in the tub for some relief. As I was crawling off the bed, my water broke. I got in the tub and quickly realized that I was in transition. I had one contraction after another for half an hour. I started to feel some pressure, so I was checked again while I was in the tub and was now at 8cm. I was losing it about then.
My amazing midwife, Amanda, was with us pretty much from this point on. A few minutes later, I felt like I needed to push. I got out of the tub, and only 15 minutes later I was fully dilated to 10cm.
I began pushing around 11pm, and I pushed for a little over an hour and half. I remember reaching down and feeling her head for the first time!
Liv was sunny-side up and she had her hand up next to her head. This caused me to have horrible back labor and incredible pain the entire time I was pushing. Despite the midwife's best efforts, I had to get a massive episiotomy in order to get Liv’s head and hand out.
At 12:38am on the morning of the 28th Liv was born.
Liv Alyce Cannon
6lb 13oz and 19.5 inches
Labor and delivery was the absolute best experience of my life and I’d do it over a million times to get our sweet Liv. She and I had just a little over 24 hours with her daddy before he had to leave.
This year has been the best year of our lives!
Happy Birthday sweet girl, your mommy and daddy love you so much!
Thank you for making us parents and for bringing an indescribable amount of joy into our lives.